Feb 29, 2024

The Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism office welcomes area communities to enjoy the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse taking place on April 8th, 2024.
This stunning phenomenon will occur in Wyoming County starting at 2:05pm and running until 4:31pm. Totality will take place for 3 minutes 20 seconds at 3:19pm. A total solar eclipse is one of the rarest and most spectacular events in nature. The sky becomes dark, bright stars and planets appear, and the Sun's outer atmosphere, called the corona, shines around the black disk of the Moon's silhouette. During solar eclipses, there are noticeable changes in temperature, winds and animal behavior - especially during totality.
To celebrate the eclipse, Wyoming County Tourism has established www.DarkSkyWNY to track the events, activities and viewing parties taking place in Wyoming County. There are dozens of events taking place throughout Wyoming County. Events include viewing parties, food specials, community/vendor events, beer and cider tastings, overnight camping/accommodations and more.
“With minimal light pollution, plenty of open-air venues and the serene backdrop of rolling hills, Wyoming County is a true dark sky destination,” said Eric Szucs, Director of Tourism for Wyoming County. “We encourage everyone to witness the eclipse, while enjoying the true party-like atmosphere our local communities and businesses have crafted.”
Additionally, Wyoming County Tourism purchased Dark Sky WNY branded ISO-certified eclipse glasses, and have partnered with local schools and libraries to distribute them to the community. Each school system in Wyoming County received glasses to distribute to students, while Wyoming County libraries have received glasses for educational programs and to share with the general public. Glasses are free of charge and available while supplies last.
“We’re so excited to be in the path of totality for the 2024 eclipse,” said Szucs. “To ensure our communities safely enjoy the eclipse, we purchased nearly 20,000 pairs of eclipse glasses. Partnering with schools and libraries in the County has been a great way to educate, inform and celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime celestial event!”
For information on how to safely view the eclipse, visit www.DarkSkyWNY.com for details.
The Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism is the leading membership organization for local and regional growth, advocacy, and connection for Wyoming County’s business community. The Chamber & Tourism’s mission is to serve the members and community; promote and grow the County’s economic and tourism assets as the official Tourism Promotion Agency; and work collaboratively to create an environment that leads to the success and economic prosperity of Wyoming County. For more information or to become a member please call 585-786-0307 or visit the website at www.wycochamber.org.
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