Jul 26, 2007
The State University of New York University Center for Academic and Workforce Development (UCAWD) has been working for the past couple of years to bring an ATTAIN (Advanced Technology Training and Information Networking) Center to the former Perry Elementary School. UCAWD will officially open the new Center in the next couple of months following a search for a Lab Manager.
ATTAIN is a Statewide technology based employment and training initiative funded by the New York State Legislature. ATTAIN provides communities access to new technologies, education, and technology training. ATTAIN also provides Local Departments of Social Services an opportunity to increase their TANF/FA and TANF 200% participation rates. The new ATTAIN Center in Perry will provide Wyoming County residents with access to a state-of-the-art computer lab as well as personalized pre-employment and job readiness training.
“Perry and Wyoming County are extremely fortunate to have access to an ATTAIN Center,” stated Chamber Executive Director James Pierce. “Access to computers and job readiness training is vitally important to a rural workforce. We will keep the public updated on the progress of the Center.”