Membership Basics

Thank you for taking a minute to review what we like to call "the basics" of membership. You'll find all the standard membership benefits listed below and other tiered options under Member Options.

Other tiers of membership have some extra benefits, but the list below comes with your basic membership investment in the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Promotion Agency. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us or give us a call at (585) 786-0307 and we will be happy to help.


Join Today

The Chamber loves ribbon cuttings and wants to help welcome your business to Wyoming County!

It's important to bring members together with decision makers on important issues.

Special Member Only pricing to networking events, educational seminars, and Chamber special events

Two FREE Educational Seminars per year (restrictions apply)

Assistance and Education in navigating and obtaining affordable health care

MEMBER ONLY discounted office supply program

MEMBER ONLY Access to discounts on natural gas and electric

FREE Notary Services

Certificates of Origin


Receive information about training resources available to your company

Business referral service exclusive to member businesses

Pro-business advocacy (local, state and federal)

Opportunities to be involved in the bi-annual Chamber newsletter reaching over 10,000 readers (in partnership with the Batavia Daily News)

Email updates and alerts on upcoming events, opportunities, news and promotions

Use of conference facilities at the Wyoming County Ag & Business Center

$100 discount on Leadership Wyoming tuition

Membership Certificate and decal to display at your business and E-Plaque for your website

Relocation packets for employee recruitment

The opportunity to participate in joint advertising ventures such as travel guides, brochures, commercials, etc. to further promote your business (additional fees may apply)

Rack space in the Wyoming County Ag & Business Center lobby for printed materials

Once in the printed business directory your business listing will also be included in our "Welcome to Wyoming County" packets that are sent to new home buyers.  

If you are a travel related business you want to be in the annual Wyoming County travel guide. It's distributed to 85,000 visitors and tourists each year in places up and down the NYS Thruway, travel shows, Canadian market places, and wherever tourists are searching for information.

Between the annual business directory and the newsletters, over 50,000 people are being exposed to your business throughout the year. These are great and affordable ways to promote your business.

Exposure and Networking at events, through sponsorship opportunities, and marketing initiatives 

Business listing in Membership Directory and Community Guide, distributed to every household and business in Wyoming County (20,000+ printed each year)

Business listing in Wyoming County Travel Guide, distributed outside of the County to bring tourists to the county (50,000+ printed each year)
**Certain exclusions apply

Business listing on Chamber website : and/or **

Direct link to your business
website from your listing in our on-line directory

Enhanced listing on Chamber website with Google map and space for business logo, photos and coupons

Business marketing materials displayed in the Chamber & Tourism booth at the Wyoming County Fair and placement of marketing materials in bag drops at local fairs and festivals

Press releases and newsworthy information published in Chamber Newsletter

Eligible for low cost marketing in Business Directory, Travel Guide, and Website advertising

Ribbon cutting ceremony package for new or expanded business

Brochures distributed to area campgrounds and recreational facilities during the peak tourism season

Opportunities to have business listed in Buy-Local Campaigns in print and radio promotions like “Shop Wyoming and Win”

Use of Chamber logo in your business advertising

25% Savings on Annual Pre-Pay Constant Contact e-marketing account

Special discounted advertising exclusive to chamber members through AdMonitor

The Chamber's updated digital platform offers a great way to showcase the Wyoming County business community and all that we have to offer.